What additional information do I need to supply to the cable tray manufacturer for them to best understand and satisfy my needs?

Where? Job site and installation considerations


> supports available affect the length and strength requirements

> environmental loads, ice, wind, snow, and possibly seismic

> corrosion requirements affect the materials and finishes

> classified hazardous locations affect the cable types acceptabl

2 . Indoor

> support locations available affect the length and strength of the system

> industrial installation may require a 200 lb. Concentrated Load

> commercial or institutional installation may make system appearance, system weight, and space available important factors

> environmental air handling area may affect cable types, cable tray material, or cable tray type and need for covers

> classified hazardous locations affect the cable types acceptable


1.Type and number of cables to support

> NEC cable fill requirements dictate size, width and depth, of system

> cable support requirement may control bottom type

> largest bending radius of cable controls fitting radius

> total of cable weight determines load to support


2.Future requirements

> cable entry / exit freedom

> design partially full or an expandable system

> support type to allow for needs

Source: Cable Tray Institute (CTI)